Partner With Us
We cooperate with a variety of individuals, universities, companies and (semi-)government organisations to achieve a world with drinkable rivers. These are some of the partnerships we have developed over the years.
Jane Goodall Institute
Dr. Jane Goodall is a British anthropologist and biologist, best known for studying the social and family life of the chimpanzee in Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania from 1960. Since 2023 Li An has been ambassador of Jane’s Circle of Hope for the Jane Goodall Institute Netherlands. In honour of Jane’s 90th birthday, we have organised a first Citizen Science measurement special on her birthday (3 April 2024), to thank Jane in a hopeful way with a ‘love in action’ gift.
Nucleoo is an European data specialist based in Spain. When our citizen science programme took off, Nucleoo’s CEO Arnoud Krom offered to develop a data platform to collect, store and analyse data gathered by our citizen scientists from all over the world. Together we are building a database on river water quality, which enables us to track our progress towards our ultimate goal: a world with drinkable rivers.
All Schools Unite!
Together with twelve universities, Drinkable Rivers organised a nation-wide event, called Alle Scholen Verzamelen!, in which 95 primary schools and 2400 kids throughout the Netherlands joined Drinkable Rivers citizen science and monitor flowing fresh water in their area.
Watch: Drinkable Rivers & AlleScholenVerzamelen! – Youtube (NL, 3’34)
Watch: Jeugdjournaal (NL, 2:32)
Read: Terugblik 2020 (NL)
Read: Terugblik 2021 (NL)
University College Roosevelt (UCR)
Together with teachers and students of UCR in Middelburg, we organised a data crunch and analysed the data of the our citizen science programme. Associate Professor Renate van der Weijden works actively with our core team in designing the chemical research methodology for this study. Associate Professor Ilke Ercan adopted Drinkable Rivers as a case for the engineering project course Sensing Systems for Sustainability.
Amsterdam International Water Week
The Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW) found inspiration in Drinkable Rivers and especially in our action community Mayors for Drinkable Rivers. AIWW formulated an Amsterdam Agreement in order to support the Meuse Mayors network and build a global mayors network for drinkable rivers.
Water Authority Hollands Noorderkwartier
There are 21 water authorities in the Netherlands, they are the oldest governing body in the country. One of them, Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier organised a five-day strategy retreat, called Terranautica, to develop a biodiversity vision. Drinkable Rivers’ founder Li An Phoa was invited to join the 40+ group during the whole week to lead walk & talks and contribute to their innovation sessions.